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Bastion 304 — A simple approach to the identity of a small independent music label.

Project information

The primary objective of this identity project was to craft a system that strikes a balance between simplicity, empowering the residents of Bastion 301 to implement it themselves, yet with enough complexity, enabling creative exploration for future ventures.

The solution emerged through a process of deliberate construction and deconstruction. By layering various elements, I constructed an identity where the combined forms create a captivating logo. Simultaneously, the dynamic background allows for seamless customization, adapting to different musical genres and evoking varied emotions.

Furthermore, the logo's components possess inherent flexibility, enabling them to stretch and rotate autonomously, giving rise to mesmerizing patterns and visual possibilities.


IG: maexmakes

Maximilian Augst

JA '22
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Font Revival

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Breathing Books
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Bastion 304
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